The Eden Athletic Club (EAC) was formally established in 1972, as a non-profit organization. However, Eden basketball has been in the East Bay for over 80 years and is one of six organizations that comprise the East Bay Youth Athletic League (EBYAL). Our League was originally constructed shortly after World War II to give Japanese America (JA) children an avenue to play basketball. Keeping Japanese cultural traditions has been paramount between all the teams within the League.
Basketball is not just a sport that stresses physical fitness, recreation in a friendly environment, and teamwork. Linking those goals with the Eden Japanese American community made it much more than just playing basketball.
This year, the Eden Program has approximately 147 players participating on 14 teams comprised from kindergarten to 12th grades.
Our season begins with practice in September and culminates with the Eden Jamboree event in March. The Jamboree event brings together over 400 participants from 40+ teams ranging from kindergarten to 6th grade. The event brings the teams together for an enjoyable and competitive weekend of basketball.
In December, EAC parents and players get together for our annual Mochitsuki. The mochi is packaged and delivered locally, and to seniors at the Eden Issei Terrace, just in time for the New Year celebration.
Every June, Eden JACL hosts the Eden Township Bazaar, at the Eden Japanese Community Center. These are games for children and a generous selection of homemade foods to purchase.
Being an Eden parent requires a lot more time and energy than many sporting organizations, but it is clear that our families benefit from a richer experience - they are part of a community.